The Moving Goalpost: Navigating the IT Channel

Are you part of the 90% of companies unknowingly overpaying for hardware or software? 

Many businesses stick to their traditional procurement processes, even as the industry evolves around them. This often results in acquiring outdated technology at premium prices. With manufacturers and software vendors frequently updating product details, requirements, and technologies, it’s crucial to have a process and a partner that can keep pace with the ever-changing IT landscape.

Recognizing the Cost Pitfall: The reality is that clinging to outdated procurement practices can be costly. By remaining in your comfort zone without reassessing its relevance, you’re potentially missing out on significant cost savings and innovative alternatives.

Embracing Continuous Assessment: Don’t let your business fall behind. Regularly assess your hardware and software needs, identify obsolete solutions, and explore cost-effective alternatives. Staying current with the latest tech trends and best practices is possible through periodic reviews of your procurement practices.

Partnering with Channel Experts: Navigating the IT landscape doesn’t have to be a solo journey. Collaborate with value-added tech consultants or managed service providers who can help optimize costs, negotiate better deals, and keep you informed about emerging technologies. Their expertise can give you a competitive edge.

Adopting Flexible Procurement Strategies: Rigidity can hinder progress. Embrace flexibility in your procurement strategies. Agile procurement and nimble multi-outlet resellers can enable you to adapt quickly, avoid unfavorable terms, and capitalize on emerging trends. Stay lean and agile.

Conclusion: Don’t let the constant changes within the IT industry lead to inefficiencies in your procurement strategy. Instead, evolve your process to stay effective. Continuously reassess your needs, partner with channel experts, and adopt flexible strategies. As the IT landscape evolves, so should your procurement process. However, managing this evolution is a full-time responsibility.

Why not consider partnering with a Value-Added Reseller that can shoulder this burden, allowing you to focus on running your IT department? At D2, we specialize in helping businesses like yours stay ahead of the IT curve. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you optimize your IT procurement process and save money. Let us take on the challenge of navigating the IT channel, so you can focus on what you do best.